Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
 Course Overview:
The Core Java technologies and application programming interfaces (APIs) are the foundation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). They are used in all classes of Java programming, from desktop applications to J2EE applications.

After completing this module you are ready to:

Develop Desktop applications, Networking & Multi-threaded programs in java.

Appear in SCJP exams

Update yourself with Advance frameworks of java.

Why Java at Openeyes IT Solution?

Industry Compliant Syllabus

Multi-Platform Demonstration

Product Based Training

Real-Time Case Studies

Use of Latest Tools & Technology

Workshops on New Technologies

SCJP Orientation Classes
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java training in Kathmandu Nepal


Programming language Types and Paradigms.

Computer Programming Hierarchy.

How Computer Architecture Affects a Language ?

Why Java ?

Flavors of Java.

Java Designing Goal.

Role of Java Programmer in Industry.

Features of Java Language.

JVM –The heart of Java

Java’s Magic Bytecode

Language Fundamentals

The Java Environment:

Installing Java.

Java Program Development

Java Source File Structure



Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Basic Language Elements:

Lexical Tokens, Identifiers

Keywords, Literals, Comments

Primitive Datatypes, Operators


Object Oriented Programming

Class Fundamentals.

Object & Object reference.

Object Life time & Garbage Collection.

Creating and Operating Objects.

Constructor & initialization code block.

Access Control, Modifiers, methods

Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous Classes

Abstract Class & Interfaces

Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Method Overloading, Recursion.

Dealing with Static Members. Finalize() Method.

Native Method. Use of “this “ reference.

Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.

Design of Accessors and Mutator Methods

Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning

Generic Class Types

Extending Classes and Inheritance

Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP

Types of Inheritance in Java

Inheriting Data Members and Methods

Role of Constructors in inheritance

Overriding Super Class Methods.

Use of “super”.

Polymorphism in inheritance.

Type Compatibility and Conversion

Implementing interfaces.


Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages.

Package as Access Protection

Defining Package.

CLASSPATH Setting for Packages.

Making JAR Files for Library Packages

Import and Static Import

Naming Convention For Packages

Exception Handling:

The Idea behind Exception

Exceptions & Errors

Types of Exception

Control Flow In Exceptions

JVM reaction to Exceptions

Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling.

In-built and User Defined Exceptions

Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions

Array & String :

Defining an Array

Initializing & Accessing Array

Multi –Dimensional Array

Operation on String

Mutable & Immutable String

Using Collection Bases Loop for String

Tokenizing a String

Creating Strings using StringBuffer

Thread :

Understanding Threads

Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming.

Thread Life-Cycle

Thread Priorities

Synchronizing Threads

Inter Communication of Threads

Critical Factor in Thread -DeadLock


Applet & Application

Applet Architecture.

Parameters to Applet

Embedding Applets in Web page.

Applet Security Policies

A Collection of Useful Classes

Utility Methods for Arrays

Observable and Observer Objects

Date & Times

Using Scanner

Regular Expression

Input/Output Operation in Java(java.io Package)

Streams and the new I/O Capabilities

Understanding Streams

The Classes for Input and Output

The Standard Streams

Working with File Object

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
File I/O Basics

Reading and Writing to Files

Buffer and Buffer Management

Read/Write Operations with File Channel

Serializing Objects

GUI Programming

Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java

Components and Containers

Basics of Components

Using Containers

Layout Managers

AWT Componets

Adding a Menu to Window

Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components

Java Utilities (java.util Package)

The Collection Framework :

Collections of Objects

Collection Types

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal



Understanding Hashing

Use of ArrayList & Vector

Event Handling

Event-Driven Programming in Java

Event- Handling Process

Event-Handling Mechanism

The Delegation Model of Event Handling

Event Classes

Event Sources
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Event Listeners

Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

Anonymous Inner classes a Short –cut to Event Handling

Avoiding Deadlocks in GUI Code

Event Types & Classes

Networking Programming

Networking Basics

Client-Server Architecture

Socket Overview

Networking Classes and Interfaces

Network Protocols

Developing Networking Applications in Java

Database Programming using JDBC

Introduction to JDBC

JDBC Drivers & Architecture

CURD operation Using JDBC

Connecting to non-conventional Databases.

Mail API

 Introduction to Email Technical Internals

Understanding of POP and SMTP framework

Complete understanding the email API

Monday, May 29, 2017

Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

The Java programming language is an object-oriented programming language. Open Eyes IT Solution prepare the course which provides complete knowledge of Java. ThisCourse Java training in Kathmandu Nepal will help you to understand basics of java and make you perfect for certification.

We cover all necessary topic of object-oriented programming in Java such as Identifiers, Keywords, and Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions and Flow Control, Loop Statement, Arrays, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Generics, Exceptions and Assertions, Basic I/O, File I/O, Multithreading Programming etc.

Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Getting Started

What is Java Technology?
A simple Java technology application
Writing, compiling and Execute a Java application

Object-Oriented Programming

Basic Principles of Object Orientation
Polymorphism and overloading/overriding
Class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and package
Access modifiers
How to invoke a method on an object
Learning API online documentation

Identifiers, Keywords, and Types

Comments in a source code
Valid and invalid identifiers
Java technology keywords
Eight primitive types
Integers (byte, short, int, long)
Floating-Point Types (float, double)


Class Variable, instance and local variables
Declaring a Variable
Dynamic Initialization
The Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Type Conversion and Casting
Automatic Type Conversions
Casting Incompatible Types
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
The Type Promotion Rules
Primitive variable and reference variable
Using variables of class type
Creating object using new keyword


Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators
Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators
Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

Expressions and Flow Control

The if-then and if-then-else Statements
The switch Statement
The while and do-while Statements
The for Statement
The For-Each Loop
Nested Loops
Using break, continue, return
Labeled forms of break and continue
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal


Arrays of primitive, class, or array types
Array initialization
Initialization the elements of an array
Create a multidimensional array

Classes and Objects

Declaring Classes
Declaring Member Variables
Defining Methods, Parameterized Methods
Returning a Value from a Method
Constructors, Parameterized Constructors
Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor
Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors
The this Keyword
Instance Variable Hiding
Creating Objects
Controlling Access to Members of a Class
Understanding Instance and Class Members
Static and non-static block
Introducing Nested and Inner Classes
Exploring the String Class
Using Command-Line Arguments
Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments
Scoping and Garbage Collection
Enum Types


Member Access and Inheritance
A Superclass Variable Can Reference a Subclass Object
Using super keyword
Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
Method Overriding
Dynamic Method Dispatch
Defining an Interface
Implementing Interfaces
Nested Interfaces
Applying Interfaces
Variables in Interfaces
Extending an Interfaces
Using Abstract Classes
Defining a Package
Importing Packages
Up casting and down casting (instance of)
Final classes, methods, and variables


Generic Types
Generic Methods and Constructors
Type Inference
Bounded Type Parameters
Type Erasure
Using Non-Reifiable Parameters with Varargs Methods
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Exceptions and Assertions

What Is an Exception?
Catching and Handling Exceptions
The try Block, The catch Blocks, The finally Block
Exceptions Thrown by a Method
How to Throw Exceptions
Chained Exceptions
Creating Exception Classes
Unchecked Exceptions and checked Exception
Use assertions
Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
Enable assertions at runtime

Basic I/O

I/O Streams
Byte Streams
Character Streams
Buffered Streams
Scanning and Formatting
Data Streams
Object Streams

File I/O

What Is a Path?
The Path Class
Path Operations
File Operations
Checking, Deleting, Copying, Moving a File or Directory
Managing File Directory Metadata
Reading, Writing, and Creating Files
Random Access Files
Creating and Reading Directories
Walking the File Tree
Searching Files
Watching a Directory for Changes
Legacy File I/O Code
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Multithreaded Programming

Creating a Thread
Implementing Runnable
Extending Thread
Creating Multiple Threads
Using isAlive( ) and join( )
Thread Priorities
Using Synchronized Methods
The synchronized Statement
Inter-thread Communication
Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Course Overview:

The Core Java technologies and application programming interfaces (APIs) are the foundation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). They are used in all classes of Java programming, from desktop applications to J2EE applications.

After completing this module you are ready to:

Develop Desktop applications, Networking & Multi-threaded programs in java.

Appear in SCJP exams

Update yourself with Advance frameworks of java.

Why Java at Openeyes IT Solution?

Industry Compliant Syllabus

Multi-Platform Demonstration

Product Based Training

Real-Time Case Studies

Use of Latest Tools & Technology

Workshops on New Technologies

SCJP Orientation Classes
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal


Programming language Types and Paradigms.

Computer Programming Hierarchy.

How Computer Architecture Affects a Language ?

Why Java ?

Flavors of Java.

Java Designing Goal.

Role of Java Programmer in Industry.

Features of Java Language.

JVM –The heart of Java

Java’s Magic Bytecode

Language Fundamentals

The Java Environment:

Installing Java.

Java Program Development

Java Source File Structure


Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Basic Language Elements:

Lexical Tokens, Identifiers

Keywords, Literals, Comments

Primitive Datatypes, Operators


Object Oriented Programming

Class Fundamentals.

Object & Object reference.

Object Life time & Garbage Collection.

Creating and Operating Objects.

Constructor & initialization code block.

Access Control, Modifiers, methods

Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous Classes

Abstract Class & Interfaces

Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism

Method Overloading, Recursion.

Dealing with Static Members. Finalize() Method.

Native Method. Use of “this “ reference.

Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.

Design of Accessors and Mutator Methods

Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning

Generic Class Types

Extending Classes and Inheritance

Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP

Types of Inheritance in Java

Inheriting Data Members and Methods

Role of Constructors in inheritance

Overriding Super Class Methods.

Use of “super”.

Polymorphism in inheritance.

Type Compatibility and Conversion

Implementing interfaces.
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal


Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages.

Package as Access Protection

Defining Package.

CLASSPATH Setting for Packages.

Making JAR Files for Library Packages

Import and Static Import

Naming Convention For Packages

Exception Handling:

The Idea behind Exception

Exceptions & Errors

Types of Exception

Control Flow In Exceptions

JVM reaction to Exceptions

Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling.

In-built and User Defined Exceptions

Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions

Array & String :

Defining an Array

Initializing & Accessing Array

Multi –Dimensional Array

Operation on String

Mutable & Immutable String

Using Collection Bases Loop for String

Tokenizing a String

Creating Strings using StringBuffer

Thread :

Understanding Threads

Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming.

Thread Life-Cycle

Thread Priorities

Synchronizing Threads

Inter Communication of Threads

Critical Factor in Thread -DeadLock
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal


Applet & Application

Applet Architecture.

Parameters to Applet

Embedding Applets in Web page.

Applet Security Policies

A Collection of Useful Classes

Utility Methods for Arrays

Observable and Observer Objects

Date & Times

Using Scanner

Regular Expression

Input/Output Operation in Java(java.io Package)

Streams and the new I/O Capabilities

Understanding Streams

The Classes for Input and Output

The Standard Streams

Working with File Object

File I/O Basics

Reading and Writing to Files

Buffer and Buffer Management

Read/Write Operations with File Channel

Serializing Objects

GUI Programming

Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java

Components and Containers

Basics of Components

Using Containers

Layout Managers

AWT Componets

Adding a Menu to Window

Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components

Java Utilities (java.util Package)

The Collection Framework :

Collections of Objects

Collection Types




Understanding Hashing

Use of ArrayList & Vector

Event Handling

Event-Driven Programming in Java

Event- Handling Process

Event-Handling Mechanism

The Delegation Model of Event Handling

Event Classes

Event Sources

Event Listeners

Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

Anonymous Inner classes a Short –cut to Event Handling

Avoiding Deadlocks in GUI Code

Event Types & Classes

Networking Programming

Networking Basics

Client-Server Architecture

Socket Overview

Networking Classes and Interfaces

Network Protocols

Developing Networking Applications in Java

Database Programming using JDBC

Introduction to JDBC

JDBC Drivers & Architecture

CURD operation Using JDBC

Connecting to non-conventional Databases.
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Mail API

 Introduction to Email Technical Internals

Understanding of POP and SMTP framework

Complete understanding the email API

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Java training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Open Eyes IT Solution provides real-time and placement focused Java training in Kathmadu Nepal. Our advanced Java course includes basic to advanced level and our Java course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies in Kathmandu as quickly as once you complete the Java training course. Our java trainers are Oracle java certified experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple java projects knowledge. We have designed our java course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal. In our java training program, you will learn Java programming, java Language, Basic Java programming, OOPS in Java, Java Classes, Exception Handling, Packages, Swing, java real time project and Java placement training.

we have trained more than 30+ java students and provided placement. Our java course fee is value for money and tailor-made course fee based on the each student's training requirements. Java training in kathmandu Nepal conducted on day time classes, weekend training classes, evening batch classes and fast track training classes.
Java training course content and Syllabus in Open Eyes IT Solution
Java Language Environment
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Object Oriented
Platform Independent
Automatic Memory Management
Compiled / Interpreted approach
Dynamic Linking
Built-in Networking
Java Fundamentals

Data types
Control Statements
Enhanced for-loop
Enumerated types
Static import
Auto boxing
C-style formatted I/O
Variable arguments
Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming

Object and Class Definition
Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Writing Java Classes

OOP in Java
Class Fundamentals
Using Objects
Garbage Collection
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Static Members
Understanding Interface
Using Interfaces class

Why packages
Understanding Classpath
Access modifiers and their Scope
Exception Handling
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Importance of Exception Handling
Exception Propagation
Exception Types
Using try and catch
throw, throws, finally
Writing User defined Exceptions
I/O Operations in Java

Byte Oriented Streams
File Handling
Readers and Writers
Multithreaded Programming

Introduction to Multi-Threading
Understanding Threads and its States
Java Threading Model
Thread class and Runnable Interface
Thread Priorities
Thread Synchronization
Inter thread Communication
Preventing Deadlocks
Network Programming

Introduction to Networking
TCP Socket and ServerSocket
UDP Socket
Developing a Chat Application
Java Util Package / Collections Framework

Collection and Iterator Interface
List and ArrayList
Set Interface and SortedSet
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Introduction to Generics
Using Built-in Generics Collections
Writing Simple Generic Class
Bounded Generics
Wild Card Generics
Inner Classes

Nested Top Level Classes
Member Classes
Local Classes
Anonymous Classes
Abstract Window Toolkit

Color and Font
AWT Components/Controls
Event Handling and Layouts
Swing Programming

Introduction to Swing and MVC Architecture
Light Weight Component
Swing Hierarchy
Atomic Components e.g. JButton, JList and more
Intermediate Container e.g. JPanel, JSplitPane and more
Top-Level Container e.g. JFrame and JApplet
Swing Related Events

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Open Eyes IT Solution provides real-time and placement focused Java training in Kathmandu Nepal. Our advanced Java course includes basic to advanced level and our Java course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies in Kathmandu Nepal as quickly as once you complete the Java training course. Our java trainers are Oracle java certified experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple java projects knowledge. We have designed our java course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal. In our java training program, you will learn Java programming, java Language, Basic Java programming, OOPS in Java, Java Classes, Exception Handling, Packages, Swing, java real time project and Java placement training.

Our java training center are equipped with lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. We also provide oracle java certification training path for our students. Through our associated training center, we have trained more than 50+ java students and provided placement. Our java course fee is value for money and tailor-made course fee based on the each student's training requirements. Java training in chennai conducted on day time classes, weekend training classes, evening batch classes and fast track training classes.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Java training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
 We Open Eyes IT Solution are the paramount Java Training Institute in Kathmandu Nepal, where we provide quality java training in Kathmandu Nepal with our cutting-edge infrastructure in competitive price. Our State-of-the-art Java Training Institute in Kathmandu Nepal, helps students to achieve their dram job utilizing advanced training methodology.

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Our faculties, who are very much well-versed in their respective field, provide most real time knowledge, which will facilitate to reach the pinnacle of your career in the shortest possible time and help to stay ahead of other interviews.
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Open Eyes IT Solution’s cutting-edge Java Training Course in Kathmandu Nepal provides the best Java training in Kathmandu, keeping in view your specific needs and for you through understanding cover the entire portion from basic to advance.

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Apart from offering java training in our superior quality Java Training Centre in Kathmandu and struts training in Kathmandu , we also develop next generation web application, Mobile application and last but not the least ERP application.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Are you looking for the best system that bestows you with the techniques of Object Oriented Programming? Our Core Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal will ensure you to understand the terminologies that the Java Programming language will encompass in it.

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
This program does not have any pre-requisites that you need to have. Even if you are new to the Programming environment, trainers at Open Eyes IT Solution will create a platform wherein, you can enjoy building your developing skills.

Java is one of today’s most popular programming languages whose usage is multi-fold. At our Core Java training program, you’ll learn to design, write, compile, and run basic Java applications that incorporate fundamental programming concepts and accepted programming techniques. You will learn to best use the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming and how Java, as a programming language adds glint to it.

Its clearly shows the power of Object Oriented Programming with Core Java. Our Core Java Training in Kathmandu  Nepal helps you to build any web application from base.

Core Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Its clearly shows the power of Object Oriented Programming with Core Java. Our Core Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal helps you to build any web application from base.
Core Java Course Syllabus
Data types and operators
Control statements
Classes and objects
Constructors and methods
Interfaces and packages
Method overloading and overriding
Exception handling
The enhanced for loop
Varargs (variable-length arguments)
The I/O classes
The Collections Framework
AWT and layout managers
The Concurrent API
and Much, much more
Core Java Training Reviews

Open Eyes IT Solution Reviews given by our students already completed the training with us. Please give your feedback as well if you are a student.

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Open Eyes IT Solution holds out top quality Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal with an exceptionally skillful combination of talented instructors, distinguished and easy–read training materials, and a remarkable learning environment that clearly shelve our Java training phase in the top Training’s rack. Our Java Training allows theoretical concepts to be reinforced with extensive hands-on sessions. Our Java Training allows you to offer both standard and custom courses that will manipulate you from being a novice to an App-Maker (Real time Application Development).

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java training in Kathmandu Nepal
Video ReviewsCourse Fees
Instructors at Open Eyes IT Solution are among the best of the best. Typical Open Eyes IT Solution instructors average more than 7-8 years of professional and practical experience in the technology, they tutor. They do not help you out in the formal academic way of teaching without practical experience.

They will very well construct the academic part with all those required and lean you forward into the IT world with the necessary composure you need by means of their practical sessions. More importantly, they are excellent communicators and bring an matchless enthusiasm for learning.
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal Training at Open Eyes IT Solution is of “High Class” which by its nature involves 5 students a session thereby creating a very large platform for a clear understanding of the undergoing package.

So, what next? Come, join us and experience this fun-filled comprehensive training at one of the Google’s favorites “Open Eyes IT Solution, Kathmandu, Nepal”.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
 Java is one of the most powerful and secure programming languages available in the market that was created more than 20 years back. From large super computers to mobile phones, millions of applications run on Java platform. Java was introduced more than two decades ago, still it is considered as evergreen programming language among software development industry for its portable, secure and robust features. There is a huge demand for Java and J2EE developers to develop new applications as well as to maintain the old applications developed in Java.

Open Eyes IT Solution offers a wide range of JAVA training in Kathmandu Nepal to meet the growing corporate needs. The course materials and syllabus are prepared by trainers who have many years of experience in leading IT companies. We provide Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal with Placement in leading companies. Walk in to our Office to find the list of Companies our Students are placed.

Our java course syllabus is designed to master your skills in java programming, development and other essential tools required for developing applications in J2EE, J2SE and J2ME. Our course kit includes extensive practical oriented training pointing real world problems that help students to gain industry exposure and confidence to work with any job requirements.

Java courses in Kathmandu are offered by experienced IT professionals with 10+ years of real-time experience in software development industry. Our trainers have strong experience in java software development so that best quality training is guaranteed. We offer professional training in java technologies by java experts with objective to bridge the gap between college education and IT Industry.  After completing our java coaching program, we offer 100% placement and java certification support to all our students. This unique approach makes us as one of the best java training in center in Kathmandu.

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Get Trained at Open Eyes IT Solution and become a JAVA Experts! 

Why Choose Open Eyes IT Solution for your JAVA/J2EE Training:
– Practical training by working professionals from leading IT companies
– Learn by working on real-time Java projects
– Interactive online training sessions allowing complete interactivity between the student and the trainer.
– Flexible Timings – Weekday, Weekend & Fast-track
– Tips and discussion to build your technical interview skills
– Placement tie-up with more than 40+ companies in Kathmandu

Below is the High Level JAVA course syllabus that can be altered to meet your needs. Please walk into Open Eyes IT Solution Baneshwor Kathmandu Nepal.
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal Course Syllabus:

Core JAVA:

Our core java training module begins with introduction to java, OOPS concepts, semantics, multi-threading, constructors, GUI programming, exception handling, applets, etc. please refer our best java training course syllabus

Java Basics
Oops Concepts
Data types, Variables, Methods, Operators
Class and Objects
Access Specifiers & Modifiers
Access Levels
Wrapper classes
Exception Handling
Garbage Collection
Collection Framework
Java I/O
Java Threads
Nested Classes
String, Stringbuffer and String Builder
Java Beans
Java Networking
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal


What will you learn from Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal?

Get in-depth skills on how to program with Java
To learn advanced concepts of Java Threading and Multi-threading
To know the Advanced JDBC and Advanced Java FILE IO techniques.
Enhance the knowledge to use JDK technology to create Java application.
To learn how to implement standard SQL queries to integrate with databases
To know client server interaction through sockets.
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
To learn how to use collection to store and manipulate data
Recommended by Students as No 1 JAVA Training Institute in Kathmandu!

Do not wait anymore! Call Us @ 977-1-4104372, 977-9843617299 to know more about JAVA J2EE Training in Kathmandu. You can also contact us by submitting the Quick Enquiry form on the right side of this page to know more about the JAVA Course in Kathmandu Nepal.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Open Eyes IT Solution provides real-time and placement focused Java training in Kathmandu Nepal . Our advanced Java course includes basic to advanced level and our Java course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies in Kathmandu and other Part of Nepal as quickly as once you complete the Java training course. Our java trainers are Oracle java certified experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple java projects knowledge. We have designed our java course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal. In our java training program, you will learn Java programming, java Language, Basic Java programming, OOPS in Java, Java Classes, Exception Handling, Packages, Swing, java real time project and Java placement training.

Open Eyes IT Solution offers java training with training locations Baneshwor Kathmandu. Our java training centers are equipped with lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. We also provide oracle java certification training path for our students. Through our associated training centers, we have trained more than 50+ java students and provided placement. Our java course fee is value for money and tailor-made course fee based on the each student's training requirements. Java training in bangalore conducted on day time classes, weekend training classes, evening batch classes and fast track training classes.
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Core Java means core components of Java Programming Language. Open Eyes IT Solution provides core java training in Kathmandu Nepal according to the current requirement of IT industry. Java is the most popular platform independent and Object Oriented Language. It provides perfect platform to develop windows and web application with flexibility that these programs can be executed with any operating system. The Java programming language is a modern, evolutionary computing language that combines an elegant language design with powerful features that were previously available primarily in specialty languages. In addition to the core language components, Java platform software distributions include many powerful, supporting software libraries for tasks such as database, network, and graphical user interface (GUI) programming. This course introduces the core Java programming language features.
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

The Java programming language is a true object-oriented (OO) programming language. The main implication of this statement is that in order to write programs, you must work within its object-oriented structure. "Since 2015, Sun Microsystems has released seven major revisions of the Java Development Kit. We prepare the course which covered all the topic of Java with point of view of Java professionals. We also keep in mind the topic which covered by sun-certification and try to make you perfect for certification. We covered all necessary topic of object-oriented programming in Java and this is the strong reason for you to trust our courses.

Open Eyes IT Solution is a Java Training institute with proven expertise in training useful java applications as well as providing hands-on training to budding java developers. We have a dedicated team of experienced java trainers who provide intensive and dedicated training on all core and general aspects of java development. We have mastered the Java programming and can effortlessly transfer our skills and knowledge to you through our java training course.