Monday, May 29, 2017

Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

The Java programming language is an object-oriented programming language. Open Eyes IT Solution prepare the course which provides complete knowledge of Java. ThisCourse Java training in Kathmandu Nepal will help you to understand basics of java and make you perfect for certification.

We cover all necessary topic of object-oriented programming in Java such as Identifiers, Keywords, and Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions and Flow Control, Loop Statement, Arrays, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Generics, Exceptions and Assertions, Basic I/O, File I/O, Multithreading Programming etc.

Java Training in kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in kathmandu Nepal

Getting Started

What is Java Technology?
A simple Java technology application
Writing, compiling and Execute a Java application

Object-Oriented Programming

Basic Principles of Object Orientation
Polymorphism and overloading/overriding
Class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and package
Access modifiers
How to invoke a method on an object
Learning API online documentation

Identifiers, Keywords, and Types

Comments in a source code
Valid and invalid identifiers
Java technology keywords
Eight primitive types
Integers (byte, short, int, long)
Floating-Point Types (float, double)


Class Variable, instance and local variables
Declaring a Variable
Dynamic Initialization
The Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Type Conversion and Casting
Automatic Type Conversions
Casting Incompatible Types
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
The Type Promotion Rules
Primitive variable and reference variable
Using variables of class type
Creating object using new keyword


Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators
Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators
Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

Expressions and Flow Control

The if-then and if-then-else Statements
The switch Statement
The while and do-while Statements
The for Statement
The For-Each Loop
Nested Loops
Using break, continue, return
Labeled forms of break and continue
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal


Arrays of primitive, class, or array types
Array initialization
Initialization the elements of an array
Create a multidimensional array

Classes and Objects

Declaring Classes
Declaring Member Variables
Defining Methods, Parameterized Methods
Returning a Value from a Method
Constructors, Parameterized Constructors
Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor
Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors
The this Keyword
Instance Variable Hiding
Creating Objects
Controlling Access to Members of a Class
Understanding Instance and Class Members
Static and non-static block
Introducing Nested and Inner Classes
Exploring the String Class
Using Command-Line Arguments
Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments
Scoping and Garbage Collection
Enum Types


Member Access and Inheritance
A Superclass Variable Can Reference a Subclass Object
Using super keyword
Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
Method Overriding
Dynamic Method Dispatch
Defining an Interface
Implementing Interfaces
Nested Interfaces
Applying Interfaces
Variables in Interfaces
Extending an Interfaces
Using Abstract Classes
Defining a Package
Importing Packages
Up casting and down casting (instance of)
Final classes, methods, and variables


Generic Types
Generic Methods and Constructors
Type Inference
Bounded Type Parameters
Type Erasure
Using Non-Reifiable Parameters with Varargs Methods
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Exceptions and Assertions

What Is an Exception?
Catching and Handling Exceptions
The try Block, The catch Blocks, The finally Block
Exceptions Thrown by a Method
How to Throw Exceptions
Chained Exceptions
Creating Exception Classes
Unchecked Exceptions and checked Exception
Use assertions
Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
Enable assertions at runtime

Basic I/O

I/O Streams
Byte Streams
Character Streams
Buffered Streams
Scanning and Formatting
Data Streams
Object Streams

File I/O

What Is a Path?
The Path Class
Path Operations
File Operations
Checking, Deleting, Copying, Moving a File or Directory
Managing File Directory Metadata
Reading, Writing, and Creating Files
Random Access Files
Creating and Reading Directories
Walking the File Tree
Searching Files
Watching a Directory for Changes
Legacy File I/O Code
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Java Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Multithreaded Programming

Creating a Thread
Implementing Runnable
Extending Thread
Creating Multiple Threads
Using isAlive( ) and join( )
Thread Priorities
Using Synchronized Methods
The synchronized Statement
Inter-thread Communication
Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads

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